Grupo Plásticos Ferro, GPF, is a Spanish industrial group, established in 1960, which comprises a set of companies devoted to the design, manufacture and distribution of products and systems based on plastic materials. GPF is the leader in the Iberian Peninsula and the 3rd largest in Europe in the manufacture and marketing of plastic pipes and fittings, and has over 700,000 m2 of industrial installations, 8 production plants and 14 logistics centres.

Since it was founded 10 years ago, Ferroplast Maroc has benefited from the knowledge and experience gained in over 50 years in the market provided by the Grupo GPF, one of the largest and most consolidated business groups in the sector in Europe.

Through the different companies which comprise it, GPF covers wide sectors, such as those of construction; public works; irrigation; drainage; electrical and telecommunications ducting; gas ducting; industrial installations; aquaculture and fishing. The renowned quality of the products and its wide range of solutions have established GPF as a benchmark at an international level.

In turn, GPF invests in the development of environmental policies and initiatives aimed at attaining improved sustainability guidelines based on a rational balance between economic, social and environmental needs.